[listening to "a dream" by jay-z]
ok, so i'm very very sorry for not updating my blog in weeks. shame on me, i know. SO i declare that i will post something - anything - everyday this week from Monday-Friday to make up for it. i swear i'm not trying neglect my site. there are things that i am legitimately not allowed to show what i'm working on until whatever it is has been released or at the very least approved. lately i've also been going thru this funk of not knowing what to draw. after many introspective days, i think it's cuz i'm probably going through some artistic evolution. or some junk.
but enough about that! here's the first of my blog posts this week. i finally managed to gather up all of our collective pics from New York Comic Con. it's already been posted on our ID STUDIOS Facebook (if u don't follow us on there, u should!) and some are on identitycomics.com. i did so many commissions at the con that i didn't get to walk around at all. luckily, i walked the floor very quickly on Thursday, which was how i got that pic of me, the hubby, and wax avengers. that was the extent of me walking around as a fan. it's all good though, i go to NYCC to work and that's what i did. so much fun!
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