at any rate, it took some finagling with the dragons and stuff in the back but seein as how its not the most important part, i just went with it.
u may be asking urself "peng, what do dragons have to do with this mini-pinscher?" its cuz my bro-in-law likes all that typical asian-y stuff like dragons and kung-fu movies and chinese/japanese characters. his dog's name is Jade. and even though that is spelled with the first initials of his full name, i think it's also cuz of that asian-thing. HENCE, the dragon. (and the only reason why i didn't make it green cuz it's like "duh peng, jade = green" is cuz he likes the Rams football team and they're navy blue and gold.)
BUT WHO CARES! i'm just babbling now. just enjoy! ^___^