Monday, May 17, 2010

in the morning junior boys
so i've received my set of Iron Man 2 Artist Proofs sketchcards in the mail the other week. if u or someone u know would like to get one done by me, just let me know either here or on my deviantart page - it's any character from Iron Man that u want except that it can't be the movie version's which i think is a little odd considering its a set that came out for the release of the 2nd movie. =/ don't ask me - i didn't make the rules, i just follow em. so if u think i could draw a cool mickey rourke whiplash instead of the purple-clad fairy from the comics, u would be mistaken. =P
u can also head on over to my deviant page about my lower-priced commissions currently going on right now if u or someone u know may be interested.

i forgot to post this! i was honored to be part of Daniel Campos's set of Mini-Muses illustrations. he basically drew some artistic ladies as pin-ups but on a tiny scale. he asked if he could do one of me since my art apparently inspires him on some level. (at least i think it does based on the title of the art book. otherwise i am just sadly misled.) i've got my copy of the book and here's a shot of my pic that he drew of me. he even got my most favorite pencil in all the world in there! =) he's such a talented individual and i'm humbled.

1 comment:

divinefrenzy said...

CUTE!!!! Pin-up PENG!!!!! Love the pencil! nice touch!