Thursday, January 28, 2010

no more sorrow linkin park.
i also managed to do some Zombies vs. Cheerleaders sketchcards for 5FINITY with theFranchize during the busy holidays. as u may have guessed, i did the cheerleaders and jerry did the zombies. it actually turned out really cool lookin after all was said and done. so cool, in fact, that they used one of our double-card sets as part of the box art! how flippin sweet is that!! it's the one with the cheerleader with purple hair and blue outfit. jerry pretty much laid out all the cards. after it was all drawn in pencil, we inked our own lines and he colored pretty much all of it. i believe the company is also making a comic about these zombies and cheerleaders in which i may be involved with making a pin-up for. once that's done, i'll be sure to post again.

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