i'm currently working on a Manga Mandy set for them. i WILL get these in on time and i'm working on them daily. so yay!

quick update on me - we just finished all 3 pet expos for the year. SOOOO much fun cuz of all the doggies i got to see. but i am flippin tired! it was very successful for us at Big Heads Little Bodies Caricatures though. with these expos i really do believe that we can really bust some heads with these doggie illustrations. PLUS, as an added boost to my fragile ego, someone bought my display of the Chauncy poster i did. (See Feb. 10, 2011 "daedal" post.) i did think it was a little weird that someone would want to buy an illustration of someone else's dog, and i was a little sad to see it go cuz it IS of my baby girl after all. but i can't help but feel flattered that they liked it that much. they even bought the frame it was sitting in! O.O guess i'll just need to print another one for myself. =P
i am cooking up a nice story for ID Comics Studios' book The Brotherhood with the help of my studiomates. it's gonna be such a fun series. now to just get it out of my head and onto paper so the guys can start drawing it! i'll only be writing the series for the most part however i have been assigned to do a pin-up in every book so i'll still have art in there. i'm just not a sequential pages-type gal.
i've got an ongoing project to design characters for someone's original story they're cookin up themselves. i'm just waiting to finish this 3rd design and i'll post what i got so far. i've got 21 characters to design total! WOO!!
i am also working on putting together my first ever artbook in the next couple of months. first i have to see if i have enough worthy pieces to even create an entire book out of it. so keep an eye out for that. i'll be putting out teasers and things for it so i'm really excited about it. i hope folks are too. i'm trying to get them done by Heroes Con in June. keep ur fingers crossed!
in other news - my hubby theFranchize has released a teaser page for a project he's working on with Sean "Cheeks" Galloway! check out his blog at thefranchizelive.blogspot.com to see! i try not to boast much but it's just so neat to be married to such a talented person being a comic art nerd myself.
that's all for now. how are U doing?? =)
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