Thursday, November 10, 2011

pansophy [noun]

(PAN-suh-fee) - universal wisdom or knowledge

IMAG0290  IMAG0293

just wanted to quickly share what's going on on my art table at the moment. oh yes, yummy delicious goodness! and the best part about these yummy-lookin cupcakes is that they're free! that makes it more delectable, in my opinion. they're from this very fancy place (at least by my humble standards) in DC called Sprinkles. now u may or may not have seen previous cupcake pics from Georgetown Cupcakes on my desk. those cupcakes are really yummy too. but as crazy as it is to pay so much for Georgetown Cupcakes, these Sprinkles cupcakes are even more expensive! but maybe i just need to buy myself some fancy-pants and get with the trend. =P 

anyways, i'm definitely still drawing. i just needed a cupcake break. yays!

1 comment:

Jac V. said...

So... which ones do you like better? Georgetown Cupcake or Sprinkles? I've had a Sprinkles once, but didn't strike me as orgasmic the way Georgetown does!