Monday, February 25, 2013


[listening to "halcyon" by ellie goulding]

i guess kitkats and coffee isn't exactly part of a balanced breakfast. but it sure does taste good! =)

i've been trying to explore the direction my art is trying to go and this flatter graphic look is kinda where it went. but in doing this (and some other piece that i've scrapped) i think i've realized this is NOT where i'm really going. i like the end result, and i like it when other people do stuff like this, but i just don't think i see the world this way. if that makes any sense at all. =/ i think when i attempt to do this, i'm just copying someone else and basically faking it. which may work on different occasions but long-term is doomed to fail.

i do have to take a moment to publicly thank my loving husband, Jerry, for giving me the opportunity to explore my art with all the support that a fragile/sensitive artist like me needs to stay positive. i do not for one second take this type of support for granted because i know too many other people who can't get it from those closest to them. it's not everyday that you find someone that works hard so that YOU can explore and find your true calling, no matter how long it takes.

now, enough of that gooey stuff. back to work! (but first, i gotta eat.)

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